Exquisite European Luxury Lingerie
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Exquisite European Luxury Lingerie
2 min read
Of course, you should wear whatever makes you comfortable and feel good about yourself. That is the short answer.
The long answer is a little more complicated and depends on numerous factors.
Firstly, some workplaces have a uniform or established work outfit that is to be followed...not many nowadays, but it is there. Nursing and airlines are two examples where hosiery isn't always required, but can be encouraged. For these workplaces, you will be restricted slightly, but you should still be able to select a style to suit you. So, for example, if you 'have' to wear navy hosiery, you can still often choose between sheer and opaque navy stockings - and if you think that not many women wear stockings for work, you would be amazed!
We speak to women everyday who choose stockings over tights for work. The reasons for this are many and varied, but traditionally include the confidence giving abilities of stockings (even if you are the only one who knows you are wearing glamorous legwear), the inevitable hygiene benefits over tights, and even the tummy tucking abilities of a good suspender belt.
Then there are the workplaces where you are completely free to choose your attire. Should you choose stockings or tights? If you have been wearing tights because you find them comfortable to wear all day, then you may be surprised just how comfortable stockings are.
If you wear a good suspender belt to hold up your stockings - the wider, the better for all day wear - you will find the stockings move with your body when sitting and standing. They won't come down, and you will be much more comfortable as stockings obviously don't have the 'panty' area covered. Also, if you snag one leg, you will have a spare leg when you purchase your next pair.
So, there are no concerns over comfort or practicality (although stockings will take about 30 seconds longer to put on in the morning!), but what about the rather glamorous aspect of wearing stockings to work?
Well, nobody will know - except you. Just because you are wearing stockings doesn't mean anyone else will be aware of your hosiery choice - it is even perfectly possible to wear shorter skirts without revealing your stocking tops, it just involves selecting the right size stockings and suspender belt. The fact you will know, will almost certainly make you feel more glamorous and in control of your work day. It is amazing how empowering lingerie can be.
We women have often been expected to dress in one style or another for work. Those days are thankfully passing, and we are now seeing a huge number of women who wish to retain the classical, polished appearance that only hosiery can give.
For that reason, we ensure that every women is catered for - not just for stockings, but also hold ups and tights.
We have a specialist selection of stockings suitable for work, you can find here.
Lucy x
March 10, 2020
Is the model in the stockings for the office blog actually wearing micronet stockings? They look gorgeous, and I’d love to get a pair!
February 25, 2020
Stockings are so much nicer than tights. I gave up on tights about 13 years ago and have never looked back. I grew up in the sixties when stockings reigned supreme! Happy days. I love stockings and could no way go back to wearing tights. I did read some time ago that more women than ever were wearing stockings to work. I think they are the epitomy of femininity.
February 25, 2020
Lucy – great article!! I wear stockings with a suspender belt everyday to the office, and I work in Parliament!! Much more hygienic, comfortable, and practical – I mean,who wants to be pulling saggy tights up, one leg then the next, and then again!! Love the look of the fishnets on your model too, not usually a fan as I prefer max 20d any day, could you recommend something?? Tx, P xxx
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March 10, 2020
Hi all, the model is (as far as we know!) wearing the Gerbe Sevilla Seamed Fine Fishnet Hold Ups with a suspender belt. Some ladies like wearing hold ups with a suspender belt! These do have a seam though, and alternative seamless version would be the Oroblu Tricot hold ups. It is just has to be stockings, then the Veneziana Rete Fishnet Stockings would be an ideal choice. Lucy x